Friday, May 2, 2014


The American Period differs from the other periods we reviewed. The craftsmanship in the furniture in the architecture overall is something that differs this periods from others.

Many modern furniture and designs are inspired from this period. Furniture pieces from this period started becoming more purposeful and durable.

Curved legs, and arm rests are very iconic from this period. The use of different types of wood for the construction of furniture among with the use of stamped textiles are what makes the furniture from this period different.

Some of the most popular motifs from this period are eagles, floral, birds and stripes.



American inspired dining room

Colonial American inspired

Colonial Revival Architecture

FROM ALI'S BLOG: From her blog I learned that Duncan Phyfe was a famous designer during this period, and the different styles of furniture that were created during this era.
FROM JESSICA'S BLOG: I learned the two different settlements, one in 1565 in Florida and the second one in 1607 in Virginia.

I found this vimeo, it basically goes over the different changes American architecture and design went through during the different periods. It is only around two and a half minutes long, but it shows different styles homes and the narrators explains the changes more in depth. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014


English designers and artists incorporated different styles such as Gothic, classicism and Renaissance, also incorporating local styles that would adapt to the local needs. The English Renaissance is classified into 11 different periods, from 1500 through 1810. 

One of the first periods is Tudor, this word is also associated with timber frame construction or wattle and daub, this type of architectural style can be found throughout Europe. 

The following period after Tudor is Elizabethan, one of the most iconic techniques from this period is the wood on wood connection or mortise and tenon in the furniture.

During the English Renaissance, architecture changed in style, architects and designers started using ornaments and decorations. Windows were bigger in size for better lighting and to provide heat to the interior spaces. Stones and corn-wall were used as a method of decoration. 


Interior design inspired by the English Renaissance style, in this picture we can appreciate the English Renaissance style, by the colors and motifs used in the trow pillows, the sofa and the detail in the wood

Gregorian style interior design, the use of oak and the details in the wood work are very iconic from this period

William and Mary settee, inspired

I found the following video on YouTube, the video explains the different materials that were used in the construction on buildings during the different periods, from stones to reinforced concrete. It goes more in depth of the architecture of the different periods.

FROM ARIANA'S BLOG: she mentioned how the English Renaissance was inspired from the Italian renaissance and how this period was the last country to enter the Renaissance period.
FROM EMILY'S P. BLOG: she focused on the Georges period, also during this period was known for its mahogany and satinwood techniques.

Saturday, April 5, 2014


The French Renaissance took place from 15th throughout the 17th century. One of the most important achievements during this time period was the French Neoclassicism, it was a new way of creating art related to the governing of the country. 

During some other periods we observed that the art and design was determined by the church and religion, but during this period it was determined by political history. 

Some of the most iconic buildings during this period were Chateaus designed by French/Baroque architects. These were "castles", rulers and kings used as getaway and hunting places. 

A new design approach inspired by ancient Greece took place after 1760. Some of the features of the new design included simpler materials, less ornamentation and a preference for symmetry and pure forms. Furniture pieces became more austere and lines were straighter and patterns simpler. Designers started using exposed wood and monochromatic textiles. 


Woolworth Mansion at 80th Street 

French Renaissance bathroom inspired, Debra DeLorenzo Design (Wellington)

French inspired furniture, mirror above "fireplace", day bed on the right corner, feminine textiles and patterns

So I was looking for a video that could explain the French Renaissance in more depth and I came across this video from the Vancouver Film School done by a student, it shows different 3D animations, blueprints and renderings from different Chateaus in France. I thought it was amazing how you can make realistic animations with computer aided programs such as CAD or Revit, very impressed. 

FROM JOHN'S BLOG: He mentioned Francois and his influence on the French Renaissance period, how France was a growing artistic center for artists, painters, sculptors and artisans.
FROM LINDSEY'S BLOG: From her blog I learned that "the gardens" were one of the most important achievements of Versailles, also I thought that the hall of mirrors was something unique from this time period. 

Friday, March 28, 2014


During the Spanish Renaissance is where we really started seeing residential design. Interior design during this era was influenced by the Moorish design. One of the most iconic elements during this period is the Iron Grilles in widows. Even today, we can still appreciate this features in Spain and many other parts of the world

Another very important feature during this was the use of leather and wood in their furniture. During this era the use and design of furniture really improved a lot. Cabinets were carved and painted. Inlay work was  Spain's finest artistic achievements. The use of bone, ivory and wood pieces was very popular in this type of work

One of the reasons why there was an abruptly use of gold and precious stones during this era was because of the Spanish conquer over Latin America, the Spaniards started bringing all these materials back to their country


Modern interior design inspired from Spanish Renaissance, in this picture we can appreciate the adorned ceilings, the earthy neutral tones, and the use of leather in the furniture

Plasteresco found in the Collegio de San Gregorio de Valladolid in Valladolid, Spain

Classic Spanish Renaissance inspired garden table. The table and chairs are very similar to what it was used in that era. The use of wood and the carvings in these furniture are very Spanish-Renaissance like

FROM PAIGE'S BLOG: Paige also mentioned the use of railings, decorative nails and the window grilles. I really liked all the modern application images she used. The second picture she used is very Spanish inspired. 
FROM RACHEL'S BLOG: Rachel mentioned the how many cathedrals and churches were inspired from the Gothic period, she also mentioned the use of leather and wood on many furniture pieces.